viernes, 31 de marzo de 2017

First day together at school in Gudhem

Today's topics were "Swedish for beginners", so now we're saying "Hej!" to each other. We also compared weather conditions and learned about birds anatomy. Here is a picture of the programme and the pupils working in groups.
It was a busy day at school and our students are doing great at working together and talking to each other.

Schools and Cranes Flying across Europes foto.Schools and Cranes Flying across Europes foto.

jueves, 30 de marzo de 2017

MOBILITY IN SWEDEN 30March-06April 2017

After a long trip we are at Gudhem in Sweden. Thanks to the Erasmus+ programme our students will live an experience they will never forget. Students from Talarrubias will live with Swedish host families from 30th March to  6th April 2017. Every day we will try to upload pictures of the activities we will be doing together at Gudhemsskolam.
Schools and Cranes Flying across Europes foto.
Schools and Cranes Flying across Europes foto.Schools and Cranes Flying across Europes foto.Schools and Cranes Flying across Europes foto.

viernes, 24 de marzo de 2017


Two members from the environmental group Jamal lectured today at our school "IES Siberia Extremeña". We talked about  La Siberia Extremeña, rich and varied in natural resources, and also about sustainability and its candidacy to become a biosphere reserve...Thanks to Gabriel Calderón and Borja Blanco for sharing their knowledge and enthusiasm with us.

jueves, 23 de marzo de 2017


Our project exhibited at Naturum Centre in Sweden. We are so happy to have the opportunity to share our activities with all birdwatcher lovers.


The time to hand in the fable for the contest is over...just wait to read the winning fable soon!

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