lunes, 3 de abril de 2017

Sweden: Monday 3rd April. Day at Trandansen

Today we had the opportunity to see the cranes at Trandansen information centre. Lots and lots of them! It was amazing! The students were working in three groups and they had three workshops : butterfly searching, bird bingo and cranes spotting. They also learnt more about the cranes in the exhibition and talked to the tourists and birdwatchers there. After that, they used all the information to complete the didactic guide and do the maths graphs, which are two of the activities included in our project.

La imagen puede contener: exteriorLa imagen puede contener: una o varias personas, cámara, océano, cielo, exterior y aguaLa imagen puede contener: pájaro, cielo, exterior y naturalezaLa imagen puede contener: 5 personas, personas de pie y exterior

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