viernes, 23 de marzo de 2018

Activity 5: Proverbs and sayings

This is the activity about sayings and proverbs containing the word crane (English), grulla (Spanish) or trona (Swedish). We have used Padlet, an online collaborative tool that enrich presentations. Pupils from different countries can work together and at the same time in the same activity. These are traditional proverbs found in each language, the pupils made research online but the most important, they asked their grandparents who contributed with their experience and knowledge to help in this activity. We hope you like it!

Hecho con Padlet

jueves, 22 de marzo de 2018

Activity 8: World Water Day

Today, we celebrated World Water Day.
Within our project we want to spread the idea that water is our most precious natural source.

This is the message and photos from the Swedish and Spanish pupils:

Every drop (or snowflake😉) counts. In Sweden and Spain we are lucky to have pure drinking water. 844 million people don’t have and each day 800 children die because of dirty drinking water.
A lot of drops make a difference.
Save water, save the planet!💧

sábado, 3 de marzo de 2018

Activity 6: Raising awareness of the importance of recycling

Cranes choose the banks of reservoirs and lakes to spend the night, so they need that water to be clean. 
But how clean is the water of our rivers? 
Our waste is causing a lot of pollution and this is affecting the rivers and water supplies. 
Our pupils with this activity will think of this environmental problem.

This activity intended to:

-      Inform the school community about this environmental problem.

-      Raise awareness of the importance of recycling.

-      Show how to recycle unused medicine properly and provide a disposal collection point.

Here are the pictures of posters and the campaign.
Good job once more guys!

And this is what we did in Sweden for the recycling campaign/activity. However, the main focus for the Swedish students lied on other enviromental aspects such as, pollution, reducing carbon emissions and not releasing toxins into the environment.