lunes, 3 de octubre de 2016

This school has been granted a Project for the next two years
2016-17 y 2017-18

Action Key2 project (KA219)


We start this school year with a new Erasmus+ project.

This project includes a wide range of interdisciplinary activities and a students exchange with Gudhem, a secondary school in Sweden. During the next two years both schools will work together with the same objective: to improve the students’ scientific, digital and linguistic competence.

The common crane is the connection between our schools, since our areas “Lake Hornborga” and “La Siberia Extremeña” mark the beginning and the end of this bird migration route. The crane will be present in all the activities.

As the crane, we will fly to achieve our objectives and we hope this project will give us the opportunity to learn and widen our horizons towards Europe.

Foto cedida por Álvaro Sánchez (Camping Puerto Peña) 

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