miércoles, 5 de abril de 2017

Wednesday 5th April- School Day at Gudhemsskolam

La imagen puede contener: 2 personas, personas de pie, cielo, árbol y exteriorWe had a long programme for today. During the first workshop the pupils finished the videos of natural surroundings (they'll be available on the youtube channel, find it on the right side). They also did the activity of touristic resources in each area. After a short break, they were working out hard with Veronica's Tabata class and we also visited the ruins of Gudhems kloster with Mattias, the English teacher who kindly explained the history around the monastery. After lunch break, a journalist from the local newspaper came to have an interview with us  and two more workshops, the first one to watch the videos and the second to write on our journals. Busy day but we really got things done for the project😊 Now it's time to prepare for the farewell party!

La imagen puede contener: una o varias personas y personas sentadas

La imagen puede contener: 5 personas, personas de pie, cielo y exterior

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